For a lot of years we have collected signs. I don’t mean physically carted them home I mean that when we have seen a sign that amused or confused we have taken a picture and earlier this year I began making a series of 8x8 pages and putting them into an album. This is a list of some of them. A mixture of pages and just photographs. I intended using some of the latest ones as part of the Pretty Paper Party with Shimelle but there are still only 24 hours in a day and they are all used up at the moment.
1. We went out with the Bluefunnels for Mr M’s birthday last year and we saw this sign

We were driving in Cornwall when we saw this lorry with a portable building on it. We liked the sign so much we followed him for three miles to get a good shot of the sign – bear in mind that we were travelling around 50 miles an hour when I took this picture.
3.This is not, as might be assumed, a perfect picture of chain-link fencing. This is a perfect example of the Oh-look-at-that-get-a-picture-quick-but-I-can’t-slow-down I’M IN TRAFFIC!
I do try to please in every way so here we have a proper sign painted by a professional sign writer and it says “KEEP CLEAR 24hr ACSES REQUIRED. The thing that gets me is that “required” is spelled correctly. We went passed there recently and the yard is empty, the business has gone and they have taken their sign with them.

4. We were at the traffic lights when Mr M saw this car in front. It is one of those little .... you can see that can't you

5. This was outside a cafe in Porthcawl. We had fish and chips. but we could have had this with or without punctuation

6. Another cafe, this time in Amble in the north-east. We were waiting for the lifeboat shop to open - that's another story.

7. Polperro, Cornwall. We have no idea why only Italians are allowed and we couldn't ask because this was February and Polperro was shut.

8. Another Cornish sign and taken only an hour or so after the last one. Our February in Cornwall was rich with good signage

9. A recent trip to Tenby gave us this. It seems the credit crunch and the bad financial climate has reached even the pound shops now.
10. 10. I saved the best for last. This was at a garden centre near us – we thought perhaps it was written in Wenglish, that mixture of Welsh and English that serves as the local colloquial dialect.
So, that's my list of ten things on the tenth. If you want to see more then just go to
Shimelle's blog and take a look at the delights she has waiting for you